What will I receive when I sponsor a child?

When you become a GCC supporter, you will receive a sponsorship welcome pack containing:
• A photo and profile of your sponsored child
• An outline of your child’s community and the programs being funded through sponsorship
• A welcome booklet
• A postcard to share with your sponsored child

    Is child sponsorship tax deductible?

    Absolutely! As long as you sponsor a child and make your first donation before June 30th, your charitable contribution will be tax deductible on your next refund.

      How do I monitor my child’s progress?

      Throughout the year, you should receive at least 2 letters from your sponsored child, as well as an annual child progress report with an update on your sponsored child and the GCC program’s activities. This will provide you with detailed information about your sponsored child’s development, living circumstances and educational progress. Additional correspondence between you and your sponsored child will also give you an idea of your sponsored child’s hobbies, interests, schoolwork and dreams for the future.

        If you would like further information about your sponsored child, please write to the relevant country office and they will answer your questions in as much detail as possible. Contact details for the country office are included inside your child profile. For more specific information about GCC programs in your child’s community, please refer to the information inside your child profile.

          How can I communicate with my sponsored child?

          We strongly encourage sponsors to communicate with their sponsored children. It builds friendships, self-esteem and basic literacy for children, and keeps you in touch with their lives and progress. Find out more about communicating with your sponsored child here.